Alternatives to Suicide Groups Charter

Since 2008, the Wildflower Alliance has hosted healing spaces for conversations around suicide and despair that otherwise rarely happen. Alternatives to Suicide is the approach that has grown out of that work, and can be applied to a variety of situations that involve speaking about, sitting with, understanding and moving through thoughts of wanting to die. This Charter defines the principles and values of support groups using the Alternatives to Suicide approach. 


Responsibility To—and not For or Over 

As a community, we are responsible to be honest, transparent and present with one another, but cannot be responsible for one another’s choices or actions. Both experience and research have shown that when the system takes responsibility for or over an individual, through force and/or coercion, the typical result is often more trauma, isolation and disconnection. Trauma, isolation, disconnection have been linked to increases in suicide rates. 

Consent and Choice 

We honor that suicidal thoughts are valid responses to painful experiences in peoples’ lives. That pain often comes a lack of choice related to resources, housing, relationships and community, healthcare, income, work, exposure to violence and so on. In contrast, these groups prioritize consent and self-determination, and recognize and respect the many ways that people live with, sit with, cope with, or move through these experiences. 

Responses to Injustice  

In these groups, we validate and explore the hurt and pain we experience of systemic oppression and injustice—for example, rape, interpersonal violence, and discrimination or being devalued based on race, gender, ability, sexual orientation, immigration status, class, employment status, generational traumas and other inherited struggles. Together, we make space to explore the unique ways each of us makes meaning of and responds to these injustices. 

Healing in Communities  

These groups emphasize being part of community by choice. For many people, moving through suicidal moments includes acknowledging the pain that can come from feeling like they don’t belong, or from being hurt or rejected by people with whom they have been connected. In groups we make space for envisioning a world where one consistently has a sense of belonging, and can find meaning and purpose. 


This Charter is meant to act as a guide for creating groups that are consistent with these values, and and an tool for advocating for these groups to occur even when they are in conflict with other organizational or community policies or beliefs. What follows are the practices and intentions essential to Alternatives to Suicide groups. 

PDF Version

Alt2Su Charter.pdf